Number of analog (scope) channels
2 signal channels + external trigger input
Number of digital (logic analyzer) channels
Analog bandwidth (scope channels)
Scope channels: 1 MOhm || 15 pF Ext. trigger, logic analzer: high impedance
Scope: BNC (optionally RCA/cinch & 0.1" jumper) Logic analyzer: 0.1" jumper posts
Standard 1:1, 1:10 probes
Vertical sensitivity (analog channels)
50 mV/div to 2 V/div (1:1 probe) 500 mV/div to 20 V/div (1:10 probe) (12 divisions)
Logic threshold (logic analyzer channels)
TTL (also works for 5V / 3.3V / 2.5V CMOS, RS-232)
8 bits (scope mode) 10 bits (datalogger mode)
Scope inputs: -24V ... 24V (1:1 probe) -240V ... +240V (1:10 probe) (*)
Logic analyzer, external trigger input: -1 ... +6V
Max. sample rate (single shot)
Scope: 50 kSample/sec Logic analyzer: 1 MSamples/sec
Max. sample rate (repetitive signals)
2 MSamples/sec (scope mode only)
Scope: 5 usec/div ... 1 sec/div Logic analyzer: 10 usec/div ... 1 sec/div Datalogger: 0.5 sec/div ... 1 hr/div
FFT (frequency spectrum) frequency range
Scope mode: CH1, external, auto (free run) Logic analyzer: any of the 4 digital channels
rising edge, falling edge
Scope: ~60 kHz Logic analyzer: > 1 MHz
Record length (normal mode)
Scope mode: 200 points/channel FFT (frequency spectrum): 400 points/channel Logic Analyzer: 850 points/channel Datalogger (roll) model: unlimited
up to 20+ frames/sec (both channels on) (sufficiently fast PC required)
Datalogger mode (roll mode)
yes (data can be logged to file in real time)
Rectangular, Hanning, Hamming, Blackman
yes (1 / 2 / 5 / 10 / 20 / 50 / 100)
Display styles (can be combined)
Points, Vectors (Lines), Infinite Persistence
Fully automated measurements
Level: low, high, mid level, amplitude, DC average, AC RMS Time: period, frequency, duty cycle, pos. width, neg. width, rise time, fall time
yes (horizontal and vertical pairs)
Waveform export (e.g. to Excel)
Save/restore of scope setups
USB (HID device), no special driver needed
Windows 2000, XP (SP3), Vista, 7
Approx. size (in enclosure)
4.5" x 2.6" x 1.2" 114 mm x 66 mm x 31 mm
Solder connections to make
Required skill level for assembly
moderate; only through-hole components and DIP packages (no surface mount or fine pitch parts)
Professional printed circuit board with corrosion-resistant, gold-plated pads and contacts (not cheap solder finish), with silkscreen to denote component locations.
Sturdy ABS plastic enclosure with custom glass-fiber front- and back-panels, silkscreen. All holes pre-drilled - no drilling required!
Microcontroller and USB interface
Fully pre-programmed; no programming required