DPScope - Low-Cost USB Oscilloscopes
DPScope SE Specifications
DPScope SE
Number of analog (scope) channels
2 signal channels + external trigger input
Number of digital (logic analyzer) channels
Analog bandwidth (scope channels)
> 300 kHz
Input impedance
Scope channels: 1 MOhm || 15 pF
Ext. trigger, logic analzer: high impedance
Probe connection
Scope: BNC (optionally RCA/cinch & 0.1" jumper)
Logic analyzer: 0.1" jumper posts
Usable probe types
Standard 1:1, 1:10 probes
Vertical sensitivity (analog channels)
50 mV/div to 2 V/div (1:1 probe)
500 mV/div to 20 V/div (1:10 probe)
(12 divisions)
Logic threshold (logic analyzer channels)
TTL (also works for 5V / 3.3V / 2.5V CMOS,
Vertical resolution
8 bits (scope mode)
10 bits (datalogger mode)
Vertical offset
+/-6 divisions
Maximum voltage range
Scope inputs:
-24V ... 24V (1:1 probe)
-240V ... +240V (1:10 probe) (*)

Logic analyzer, external trigger input:
-1 ... +6V
Offset adjustment
Max. sample rate (single shot)
Scope: 50 kSample/sec
Logic analyzer: 1 MSamples/sec
Max. sample rate (repetitive signals)
2 MSamples/sec (scope mode only)
Timebase settings
Scope: 5 usec/div ... 1 sec/div
Logic analyzer: 10 usec/div ... 1 sec/div
Datalogger: 0.5 sec/div ... 1 hr/div
FFT (frequency spectrum) frequency range
up to 25 kHz
Trigger source
Scope mode: CH1, external, auto (free run)
Logic analyzer: any of the 4 digital channels
Trigger polarity
rising edge, falling edge
Max. trigger rate
Scope: ~60 kHz
Logic analyzer: > 1 MHz
Record length (normal mode)
Scope mode: 200 points/channel
FFT (frequency spectrum): 400 points/channel
Logic Analyzer: 850 points/channel
Datalogger (roll) model: unlimited
Max. screen refresh rate
up to 20+ frames/sec (both channels on)
(sufficiently fast PC required)
Datalogger mode (roll mode)
yes (data can be logged to file in real time)
Real-time FFT
FFT filters
Rectangular, Hanning,
Hamming, Blackman
yes (1 / 2 / 5 / 10 / 20 / 50 / 100)
Display styles (can be combined)
Points, Vectors (Lines), Infinite Persistence
Fully automated measurements
Level: low, high, mid level, amplitude,
DC average, AC RMS
Time: period, frequency, duty cycle, pos. width,
neg. width, rise time, fall time
Waveform cursors
yes (horizontal and vertical pairs)
Waveform export (e.g. to Excel)
yes (CSV format)
Save/restore of scope setups
PC connection
USB (HID device), no special driver needed
PC software
Windows 2000, XP (SP3), Vista, 7
Minimum screen size
1024 x 768 pixel
Power supply
through USB (5V / 70mA)
Approx. size (in enclosure)
4.5" x 2.6" x 1.2"
114 mm x 66 mm x 31 mm
Component count
Solder connections to make
Required skill level for assembly
moderate; only through-hole components and DIP
packages (no surface mount or fine pitch parts)
Printed circuit board
Professional printed circuit board with
corrosion-resistant, gold-plated pads and
contacts (not cheap solder finish), with silkscreen
to denote component locations.
Sturdy ABS plastic enclosure with custom
glass-fiber front- and back-panels, silkscreen.
All holes pre-drilled - no drilling required!
Microcontroller and USB interface
Fully pre-programmed; no programming required
(*) Disclaimer: The DPScope SE is not intended for high voltage applications. Use proper precautions when
working with high voltages (anything exceeding 24V peak). Yo
u do so at your own risk and we cannot be held
necessary knowledge and training. Make sure the probe is set up to the required division ratio before probing.
Never apply any voltage exceeding 24V to the oscilloscope inputs. Note that the peak value of an sinusoidal AC
signal is approx. 40% higher than its rated effective value.
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